The BSR Go-abroad programme helps smaller businesses in the Baltic Sea Region engage in international activities. This includes anything from initial regional market expansion, transfer of knowledge as well as securing strong local value chains.
About BSR Go-abroad
The objective of BSR Go-abroad is to increase the resilience of Baltic Sea Region micro SMEs and the Baltic Sea Region, by stimulating increased trade and collaboration within the Baltic Sea Region. This will be done by providing micro SMEs with the knowledge, tools and network to execute effectful internationalisation strategies and build strong local value chains within the Baltic Sea Region.
The project will pilot an internationalisation programme for micro SMEs, that will have as its output a blueprint of tools and recommendations on how to increase and support local trade and value chain cooperations among micro SMEs in the BSR. The blueprint will then be transferred to and used by the micro SMEs themselves, business development organisations and business development departments of local authorities in the Baltic Sea geography.
The project will support 250 SMEs throughout the project.
BSR Go-abroad is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme.
Lead partner: Erhvervshus Sjælland
Project partners: Business Lolland-Falster, Drivhuset Göteborg, Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation (Inkubator Starter), Technikzentrum Lübeck, Startup Incubator Tehnopol, Novia University of Applied Science og Charge AS.
The project runs from november 2023 to october 2026.
The project BSR Go-abroad develops a blueprint for micro SMEs to help them expand business offers and enter new markets across the Baltic Sea region in order to keep their businesses thriving regardless of any disruptions to come.
Are you a micro SME?
Companies with less than 10 employees, can participate in the BSR Go-abroad internationalisation programme. (Mid-sized companies with no more than 250 employees can also in some cases apply for the programme).
Remember – participating companies must be officially registered entities.
Are you within our programme area?
You can participate if your company is within the Baltic Sea Region across Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Poland, and Germany etc. See the countries in the Baltic Sea Region.
Do you want to explore new international opportunities in the BSR?
We are looking for companies who are curious about exploring new business opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region: New customers, new suppliers, new expertise, new partnerships, innovation, funding etc.
Are you committed?
We’re seeking passionate companies dedicated to expanding their business offers and exploring new markets across the Baltic Sea Region to strengthen their company and becoming more resilient to local and global changes.
BSR Go-abroad is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme.