Femern Stålkonstruktion



Looking for a job in the Lolland-Falster area?

On this page you will find information that is good to know, if you are in the process of looking for job opportunities and knowledge about, how to apply for a job in Denmark.

Er du jobsøgende og leder du efter jobmuligheder på Lolland-Falster?

Herunder finder du gode råd til, hvordan du kan gribe det an, og link til vores cv-bank du kan oprette dig i.

Gode råd

Vidste du, at Jobindex har et arkiv, man kan søge i? Det kan give dig et overblik over, hvilke lokale virksomheder der kunne være relevante for dig at komme i kontakt med. Find arkivet her.

Er du allerede bosat på Lolland-Falster, kan en vej til et job være via netværk. Sørg for at komme i kontakt med lokale, fx via foreningslivet, lokale etablerede netværk som fx QLF eller Lolland-Falster Lovestorms online netværk.

Sociale medier
Der er gode muligheder for at finde jobs på Facebook, hvor Guldborgsund kommunes jobcenter har en profil, hvor de synliggør lokale virksomheders ledige stillinger. Femern Agency, der bistår virksomhederne på Femernbyggeriet med at finde arbejdskraft, har ligeledes en profil på Facebook.
På LinkedIn lægger lokale virksomheder ledige jobs ud på siden ”Job og karriere på Lolland-Falster”.

Sørg for, at du også er oprettet på Jobnet, så Lolland-Falsters lokale jobcentre kan finde frem til dig, når de på daglig basis hjælper lokale virksomheder med at finde arbejdskraft.

Opret dit cv i vores cv-bank, så vi kan finde dig, når vi bliver kontaktet af virksomheder, der leder efter medarbejdere. Her er alle GDRP-regler overholdt.

Starte egen virksomhed
Måske har du gået og overvejet at starte din egen virksomhed. Vi hjælper dig med at komme godt i gang. Se mere her

Good to know

Many companies in Lolland-Falster, require danish skills. Being able to understanding instructions, talking to coworkers is important in many workplaces.

Getting started
If you want to have a quick start at some basic skills, try this online language class. It contains 5 modules. Enter THIS webpage, choose “I’M A STUDENT” and use the password: CT3FPD.
Create a user, and get started.

Language school
In both Lolland and Guldborgsund Municipality, you will find an offer of free language school. Depending on your level of danish-skills, you can start classes, as soon as you have your yellow social-security-card.

In Lolland-Falster there are thousands of companies. Here you can find a description of the most significant industries.

Construction and civil engineering
In Lolland-Falster we have a lot of construction companies. Many of them are quite small, but there are also a dusin of larger companies, employing different types of craftsmen.
Especially due to the Femern project, our local companies are busy both locally, but also with projects outside this region.

Manufacturing Companies
Manufacturing filters, membranes, sugar, furniture’s, cereal and many other things, the number and variety of specialties are large among the manufacturing companies in our area. Some are locally owned, and others are part of international concerns.
These companies employ a big variety of skills.

Lolland-Falster is among the largest tourism destinations in Denmark. Each year people from all over the world visit the area. Therefor there is off course a lot of jobs in that industry. Espacially in the spring, you will find lots of jobopenings for the summer season.

Having both the hospital in Nykøbing Falster and the healthcare provided by the municipalities, there are always joboppenings in the healthcare-system. There is also an opportunity to get education in the area.

If you are new to Lolland-Falster, you might have a lot of questions about other things than jobopportunities.

Both municipalities offer newcomers help getting settled.

You can find more information here:

Lolland Municipality

Guldborgsund Municipality

Searching for a job in Denmark, is most likely different from what you allready know. Recruiters look for the perfect match to their vacant job. It is your task to make sure that the recruiter understands how you match the requirements. In Denmark a jobapplication contains two parts: your cv, your cover letter and an application.
Here you can find help getting started with your job-search.’

Your CV should contain data and information about your professional experience, education and skills relevant for the job you are applying for.
Maybe you allready have a cv, but the expectation to your cv could be different in Denmark, so you might need to go through it with and change it a bit. Get more inspiration and help writing a good danish cv here.

Once you have your CV ready, you can upload it to the online CV-database in Lolland Municipality.

Cover Letter
Your cover letter is the application for the vacant job. Here you write a motivation as to, why you are the right person for the job, both when it comes to personal skills and proffersional skills.
Get more information and inspiration to writing a cover letter here.

Unsolicited application
For some reason, companies will quite often not advertise when they are looking for new employees.
Therefor unsolicited applications is a good way for you to make the companies aware of your existens.
Don’t be affraid to send the application and maybe ask for a short meeting (“could we maybe have a cup of coffee together? I would love to talk to you about how my skills are perfect for your company”).
Reaserch witch companies would be relevant for you, by using the archieve function at jobindex.
Read more about unsolicited applications here.

Danes loves to network and in a small community, as Lolland-Falster is, networking is both when you attend a professional network, and when you participate in activities in the local football club. Getting to know people, is also getting to knowing the people that they know.

Danes likes using SoMe for networing as well, and in your jobsearch, LinkedIn and facebook can be good places to be present. On facebook you can find groups such as Lolland-Falster Lovestorm, where a large group of local people, maybe can point you in directions of jobopportunities.

When moving to Denmark and getting a job, you need to be registered in the danish tax-system. Find more information about that here.

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Leder du efter jobmuligheder på Lolland-Falster?
Looking for job in the Lolland-Falster area?